1. Kono getting excited, OMG CAN WE GO? PLS PLS PLS? LOL TEST FOR PURSUIT DRIVING WHAT? She is brilliant, she is my favourite female character on screen right now and she is adorable.
2. Danny blatantly has a key to Steve's house.
3. "Wanted to put a smile on your face." "Really?" "No." ♥
4. "I don't think so baby."
See, this is what I do not understand. When people use pet names in fic I hate hate hate it, oh god I hate it so much, I cannot explain why but it puts me RIGHT OFF, it's one of the reasons why I never read any Inception stuff. And yet these two? Yeah. I'm all over it. wtf, self, your double standards are ridiculous.
5. lol @ Danny's bad jokes.
6. CAR CONVERSATIONS. It's like with SPN, all of the important conversations happen in the car. Steve and his dad issues turning him into a softie and Danny knowing this, yes.
7. Danny rolling out of the car and coming up unhurt with his gun ready, seriously, these guys are awesome I have UNENDING LOVE FOR THEM BEING BADASS.
8. "How did you get to be so smart?"
In conclusion: needs moar tramp stamp.