(no subject)

Sep 28, 2004 11:31

The only dress shirt I had available yesterday had stain on the collar, so I had to reschedule my meeting. As strange as I feel saying it, all my other dress shirts were genuinely being dry-cleaned. I literally didn't have any clean clothes. The shirt that I did have, the one with the stain, is a new shirt that, aside from the minute in the dressing room, I'd never worn. So as ridiculous as it sounds, I had nothing to wear, so with 45 minutes to spare before the interview, I called and apologetically rescheduled. There was a moment when I considered using Teddy as an excuse, but when the time came I thought better of it, and put it off on something far more ambiguous.
Not long after that I got an email from David, a guy who works at the Princeton Review. He wanted to set up a phone interview with me for sometime this week. I was expecting him to talk to me about something part-time, but his email said 35-40 hours a week which could work for me if I get it. I told him that I had a meeting on Wednesday at noon, and that I would like to if at all possible talk before then. So I have two interviews on Wednesday. One at eleven for a full-time job. And one at twelve for a part-time, unpaid internship. Can you guess which one I am hoping for?
If I do get the job at the magazine, I will have the unhappy job of informing Ron, who I haven't worked for since last Wednesday, and who still owes me money, that I can no longer carry on in the charade that I will one day be capable of filling in for the absent George. This is a conversation I do not look forward to, as I like Ron and do not want to abandon him in such an abrupt way. He has had such a rough time with the business, and I don't want to add to the troubles he brought me in to help alleviate. But before he hired me it was he who said that neither of us could promise the other much of anything. If I do end up having to quit with this, it is better that I do it now, than after he had learned to really depend on me, I guess.

Aside from the job stuff, yesterday was spent making an elaborate list of things that interest me for my livejournal account. I never did it with the long since abandoned dessin account, and because I felt it shows more of a commitment, and brings with it the possibility of more readers, I thought it was time to do that as acetabulum. At present, the list begins with Ali G and ends with zoos. There must be a limit on the amount of letters per interest because I found that The North Carolina Zoological Park would not be accepted onto my list. Also refused was the Daily Show with Jon Stewart (accepted as simply The Daily Show).

With the list done, I did what I hoped others would do in reverse, I used my interests to find other people with like interests. I eventually came upon a community supposedly devoted to art discussion. http://www.livejournal.com/community/art_theory/
I joined right away. You'll notice that it seems more devoted to the vanity behind posting images of your own rather than talking about the works of others. You'll also notice that, at the moment, I am no longer a member. Anyhow, I've spent some--by no means all--of the last day making replies to the people I offended with a one paragraph description of the recent goings on in their community. People get touchy when you mess with their imaginary lives.
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