May 12, 2011 21:49
I'm just sitting in my room (a.k.a. hole-in-the-wall) chillin. My weeks been pretty good, apart from my friend loosing the manga I let him borrow so now he owes me ten bucks. I know people probably don't care about the stuff I write but hell, it's fun to blow of some steam now and then, bitch, and write down what's going on in my life, because then I can read back and say to myself,wow,I'm a total tard. So today I felt like doing a little mind-raping. I took a pink bag to school instead of my usual backpack just to see peoples reactions were. I got a lot of questions like "why do you have a pink bag?" or "why pink dude?" And I came up with some pretty bad ass answers like, "no, the real question is, why don't you have a pink bag?" or "didn't you hear? pink is the sexiest color of the alphabet!" But despite what you may think I'm as straight as a lamp-post, and too badass to care what people think of my wear. Anyway that's enough blabbering for one post. Oh I almost forgot, I haz jellybeanz! (In real life and on the internet. Mr. Charlie Sheen would probably say... "Winning!" Except when it's good old Charlie your probably referring to cocaine.)