All looking shiny again!

Mar 19, 2010 20:43

Life has done a complete 180 since my last post :)

* I'm still on a break from working, and will be next week too.

* This partly because next Friday I have an interview at my be a part-time lecturer during my Masters! :D

* I am feeling MILES better since leaving my job. No stress, sleeping better, eating better, getting more exercise... it's brilliant.

* Finally have the time to get back into the gaming world to prepare for my return to uni. New additions to my games are Just Dance for the Wii and the GoTY edition of Fallout 3. Just Dance is really intense in places! Use it as part of my daily workout at the moment- half an hour of dancing to songs like Surfin' Bird, Cotton Eye Joe and Can't Touch This and you burn off quite a lot.

* I spent my whole last wage packet in the space of 3 days. But it was so worth it. I bought the above named games, two game guides (Fallout 3 GoTY edition guide and Left 4 Dead 2) and the Guinness World Records: Gamer Edition. THEN I purchased 3 t-shirts from online, and a Team Fortress 2 hoodie from CafePress. And THEN I found about 10 games design/ludology books on Amazon, and bought 2 of them.

I'm also having my hair re-styled first thing tomorrow morning :) Time to re-start my life PROPERLY! More socialising (already been to the cinema twice with friends!), more gaming (well I do want it to be my career) and more self-confidence!

I really really really REALLY want this part time lecturing job. I've been asking about it since my first year. My interview is for Production modules, such as Games Design 1A/B, 2A/B and Motion Capture modules. All of which the lecturers still use some of *my* group/personal work as examples.
Combined with the fact that I now have some teaching experience, am well-known and liked by the games staff, have been told I am a great team-worker, and am known to be intensely keen on the job....I'd like to think I have a good chance. Oh, and I'm one of only 2 females I know of who have applied.

But I'm not taking any chances. I've got a big list of things I want to prepare and take with me next Friday :)

games, friends, uni, work, life

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