Amazing start to an amazing week

Aug 02, 2009 18:40

Definitely going to have to break this post down into sections!

Three separate journies to Stechford train station later, I was joined by Lorrie, Spence, Jake and Holly. Shortly after, Geo arrived with perfect timing.
A couple of days ago I'd been phoned by the Ackers and told that due to a lack of kayaking instructor, we'd have to switch to Canadian canoeing. I was a little disappointed but glad to still be able to do something!.

However! On arriving at the Ackers and meeting the instructor, he gave us the choice of what we wanted to do! So kayaking it was! :D

The three girls chose white-water kayaks; I've only ever been on one once before, and had forgotten how twitchy they are. VERY. But fantastic. And I now realise how low in the water mine was after see my parents' photos...I was sitting two inches off the surface of a Birmingham canal.

It tipped it down with rain, of course. But we still had a fantastic time :D Smiles and laughter all round.

Armed with my new copy of Wii Sports Resort, we spent a lot of last night playing games :) I thoroughly recommend Harvester restaurants to anyone who hasn't been to one, the food we had was fantastic.

We eventually got to sleep around half 1, but still managed to wake up early this morning.

By 1pm there were only 4 of us left- and we were out in my back garden playing with bubble swords. An average age of 20, and we were perfectly content to stand on a patch of grass blowing bubbles on a Sunday afternoon :) I love my uni friends. They remind me a lot of my secondary school friends who I miss a lot.

More gaming later, the rest of them were off back home, leaving me tired but grinning like an idiot :) And rightly so, I haven't had such a good time in months!

I was also surprised with presents and cards from my friends! Holly got me an awesome card that I will never get rid of, Spence got me the Danny Wallace book Join Me that he'd mentioned a few days ago (I've read the first 20 pages and really really want to see how his strange plan unfolds!), and Jake got me a copy of Girls Can't Throw (haha, I'm a female frisbee player :P) and...the Altair Raving Rabbid figurine that I loved when I saw Paul's one!

And yet another fantastic surprise from my parents; they stayed upstairs this morning when we were all playing games, but I went up to see how they were. They were looking up some information online when I walked into the front room.

"Whatcha doing?"
*points to screen* "Do you want to go to Cardiff for your birthday?"

WOULD I EVER!!! :D And an hour later it was all sorted! Me, my mom and dad are off to Cardiff on Tuesday morning and coming back on Friday afternoon :) Just in time for mom's birthday on Saturday. I can't wait, I've wanted to go to Cardiff for years!

birthday, friends, parents, trips

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