Masterpost 2014-15

May 06, 2015 19:15

Hello everyone! Clearly, this challenge was run mostly through tumblr; while we tried to keep up with the posting here on LJ, it didn't end up working out too great. But this was still a really, really, really great challenge, and congrats to everyone who participated! You all did a wonderful job, and there was a ton of amazing fic and art produced.

A masterpost has now been posted on our tumblr with links/descriptions for all of the fic and art, and all of the fic and art should also now be added to the ASMB 2014-15 collection on AO3. Please take a look at all twenty-five fabulous entries that we ended up getting!

There is a follow-up form on Google Docs that everyone who signed up for the ASMB (whether you were able to complete the challenge or not) should fill out if they have the chance - we want your feedback on how this round went, and how future rounds of the ASMB could be made better! To everyone who took part in the challenge, whether you participated as an author, artist, beta, cheerleader, or just a supporter of the bang and the making of more ace SPN fic: you are all fantastic, and thank you a bunch!

Stay tuned for (hopefully!) round two in the fall ~

*mod post

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