Apr 06, 2008 23:18

Character: Mihashi Ren
Series: Ookiku Furikabutte
Character Age: 15

Canon: Sometimes, boys love girls. And sometimes, boys love... baseball? So says the opening theme song of Ookiku Furikabutte, anyway! Which makes more sense in context, because Oofuri is one of those typical sports series with a focus on teamwork, friendship, and a brand new team of highschool rookies with big dreams. In this case, the team is Nishiura High, and the dream is to make it big in the summer finals, despite the fact that most these boys had never played together before their first day of practice.

You might expect the protagonist of a story like this to be the genius player who ties the team together with his confidence and skill, but this could hardly be further from the truth. Mihashi is baseball's version of a dummy savant: although he can locate his pitches with incredible accuracy, everything else he does is average or below. Worse still, three years of being reviled by his Junior High team left him with no self-confidence at all. Mihashi is a nervous person who stumbles, starts, and stutters his way through life, always ready to think the worst of himself. Still, somewhere deep inside he possesses a fierce determination (not to say a stubborn streak) and will never find fault with the actions of others. Despite his crippling shyness, and with the help of his teammates, he may still be able to blossom into a true Ace.

Greetings... thank you for having me. I. I know I should feel good just being here. It's an honor. It must be a mistake. Either way, I've already ruined it. My name is... Mihashi, and...

P-Please forgive me for what I've done to your laundry!

I'm sorry I was selfish, I wanted to find a place to stay before my first night here, and before everyone told me everyone told me a guy like me wasn't a good enough roommate. It's not that I think you'd be unreasonable. There's a lot of reasons why nobody should have to put up with me. I'm not very good at keeping my room clean, it's really hard to make me do my share of the chores, and besides when it comes to camp activities I'll be hopeless. I don't even know any ghost stories, nobody could hear them over the sound of my teeth chattering. And my underwear... i-it's so boring that if you ran it up a pole the wind wouldn't blow.

But when I saw inside of the laundromat I... didn't feel so bad, suddenly? The "abandon soap all who enter" sign was a little much- I mean! I'm sorry, I didn't mean that there was anything wrong with it. Some of you are naturally neat and some of you aren't, but that's normal. Its good to make jokes about it, right? I'm... not neat. But I thought maybe I could make a good impression by sorting through those piles of clothes just lying over in the corner.

I separated everything into whites and color, just like my mom does. Anything that had blood on it I put aside soaked in cold water the way you're supposed to! Besides the mud and the blood, there were some tentacles in the back pockets of some of the pants; you must be really messy eaters. None of the stains exactly came out, but you can't really tell anymore because the shirts are glowing so brightly. Is that supposed to happen? I must be terrible at cleaning, I never got anything to do that before. Then with the socks... two categories weren't enough. I would have needed to do white, colored, and... c-crusty. But I really didn't want to go that far, I mean, I didn't even want to think about it! I. I. I just threw them in with your white clothing! Some of those socks probably had color under everything else, or more blood? But I didn't realize it. Anyway one of them must have been red, because... these shirts. They're all pink now.

Wait a minute. Is this one inside out? It says something on the other side. R-Real Men Wear Pink? Then I didn't ruin it and it was always this way! It. It makes sense. After all if real men do it, I can see how I wouldn't even know about it, but I must have insulted everyone. Then...

P-Please forgive me for being a girly man who has never worn pink before!

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