○ 03: Your oppression reeks of your greed.

Jun 13, 2011 02:42

[AUDIO: Eddie is back to sounding chipper and oozing confidence.]
There's this Italian proverb I learned back in Bologna I always liked. I never actually found the origin of it, but I'd be lying if I said I looked very hard. "Chi toppo vuole, nulla stringe." A decent translation would be 'He who desires all will embrace nothing,' or 'He who wants too much won't catch anything.' I'm sure you can all infer some level of meaning for yourself and that's really the point of proverbs.

I guess I see it as a kind of reminder not to be greedy. Don't get me wrong -- I fully support people going out there and working for whatever they want, but it is work. If you expect that kind of success to be handed to you.. you might need some medication. [Amused with himself.]

Then again, paesi che vai usanze che trovi, right? Fuck the wardens and all that? [Mumbling:] Je ne comprends pas pourquoi vous etre de cette façon..

[A beat. Back to regular volume.] I get it. Fitting in by standing out and all that? But we can do better.

[Private to George]
I need to talk to you about increasing the prescription I'm getting right now to help me maintain my levels of productivity without enduring any of the side-effects of withdrawals. I was hoping you would be willing to make a request to the Admiral.

[Private to Buffy]
I think I owe you a drink.

[Italian: "Paesi che vai, usanze che trovi" = The countries you visit, the customs you find. French: "Je ne comprends pas pourquoi vous etre de cette façon" = I don't understand why you'd be that way."]

italian, we can do better, ! nzt, en francais

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