○ 01: It's not a miracle we needed.

May 09, 2011 22:45

[With all the confidence in the world.]

You know, I don't mean to point out a flaw in your system, but have you guys considered fixing some sort of welcoming brochure? Not only could it benefit the new arrivals, detailing the effects of floods and what they might expect at ports and all of those things, but residents could be advised to keep it in their cabins so that if they transform into other people, those people could read it as well to have a better idea of what this place is and how it operates. You could give it a sort of "Don't know where you are? Start here!" cover, in the vein of Adams' 'Bring a Towel.'

Otherwise, an instruction manual on how to use the communicators could be beneficial for those who are less technologically minded-- I'll start writing one. They don't seem particularly complicated, but it could help. You could have an optional addendum for new wardens about the way their items work as well and the various areas the item grants them access to. I hate to equate it to an RFID system, given the propensity for modern hackers to gain access to that kind of simplistic technology, but I'm not sure what else to call it.


Oh.. Oh, I'm sorry. [A small laugh.] I completely forgot. My name's Eddie Spinola. I got here a few hours ago.

[A pause.] Is there any sort of system to search the contents of the library?

the library is a slow and painful google, we can do better, ! nzt

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