May 04, 2009 08:53
I think the biggest horror about having my wisdom teeth out has to be the hunger.
I have been hungry ALL the time and the food choices available to me are not really filling at all and eating large quantities of them really just elevates a complete distaste of them. Yogurt and soup and smoothies and ice cream .... argh. I've never wanted food, like MEAT, so bad in my entire life.
This is day 6 now and my teeth, as of yesterday, still would start to throb and ache if I attempted any amount of chewing. At this point I've had some french fries, cheese, pancakes and some mash potatoes. But food is not at all tasteful when all your effort in eating is it put into ensuring you chew it with your front teeth and mash it with your tongue because food getting down to your back teeth is just NOT an option. I seem to be taking longer to recover than people said they normally do - although I keep getting reminded that I am not 17 and didn't go in for a quick snip, pull, and sew. I went in for impacted teeth, teeth near a nerve, teeth under a jaw bone that required being chipped away before the teeth could be pulled. So maybe a week passing by and me still not being able to really handle solid food isn't that big of a surprise. I just REALLY want to start eating food ... argh. I would kill to eat a salad right now. I think once I can start eating normally again I am going to put back on these 15 pounds or more I've lost in the past two weeks. Yeah, I think I am just going to sit on the couch and eat for a week. It's going to be wonderful!
So Dave and I went to the TFC game on Saturday, it was against the Columbus Crew. The weather didn't really behave itself for the game. Right at kick off it poured on us for like 5 minutes and it was blewing right in our faces. It was nice that didn't seem to deter the fans. It just sucked because being soaked for the rest of the game just made me so cold. Good thing I am on all this penecillian. But the game was really fun! And we were right in the front row on the south side, just to the right of the goal. Helen said she saw us on TV twice! Despite being cold and the fact that the guy on my left was really energetic (which normally wouldn't bother me but he elbowed me in the head twice and I was terrified that he would elbow me in the jaw ... Dave eventually offered to switch me sides) it was SO much fun! I couldn't yell and cheer as much as I wanted too but I still had a blast. Dave and I have tickets for another game during the week for an Impact and TFC game next Wednesday. So I am excited for that.
I would saw the worst part about the whole day was my hunger though. And wandering around Toronto and being in the stands ... every gust of wind brought the delicious smells of FOOD. And it was driving me nuts. It's really like torture ... the smell of food.
So all in all the weekend was pretty good.
Almost every moment is a challenge though. But I guess that is to be expected.