
Apr 13, 2009 09:09

Yeah, I am anxious.  Tomorrow's the big day.  Wisdom teeth are coming out.  At this point I think I've heard every experience a person can have, and have heard a dozen of different things you should and shouldn't do in whichever experience.  Don't spit, don't suck.  Somehow swallowing is okay.  So, it's been on my mind a ton.  This past weekend wasn't as productive as I would have wanted it to be.  My take home exam for Waste Management is due on Wednesday and I wanted it done today.  I wanted to work on it a lot over the weekend.  Easter.  Yeah, that wasn't really how things went.  Plus, I am distracted with thoughts about my teeth.  So guess what I am doing today?  It's not that bad, it just requires a lot of thought and logically planning - I am actually really good at that.

Easter at my dad's was yet another eye opening experience.  As the men and the little ones went off for their Easter hike, the women were left to do the dishes and gab about things.  Lois wanted to gab about my Aunt Diana, who wasn't at this particular event.  My dad and his sister are always going through ups and downs, best buds or not talking.  It's funny to hear Lois say things about Aunt Diana that are completely true about my dad as well.  "If Mike never phoned your Aunt Diana, we probably would never hear from her!"  Well damn, if I never phoned my dad I would never hear from him except for those 3 holidays a year when he phones to give me the "official" invite to a holiday dinner.  Poor communication runs in the Till blood it seems.  I can't say I've escaped that, nor has my sister.  Can something like that really be bred into you?  I wonder!

But I also learned the real reason behind why Grandma sold the cottage all those years ago (parly, apparently we are supposed to ask my dad if we want the whole story) and the real reason why my Uncle Bruce and cousin Beth are not speaking.  Family drama.  Whoa.  Only on the Wood side though.  So my grandma decided to sell the cottage because she saw that Beth was going up there all the time to bring up her boyfriends and friends and using it as a "party cottage" and there was no way Diana was going to tell her daughter no (first of all, my grandma is afraid of her own daughter).  So instead of confronting and because Beth's attitude, according to my grandmother, would just create future tensions between Kelly/myself and Beth (later on in life when we were all older - because the cottage was sold when I was about 15) and my grandmother didn't want fights to be over the cottage.  So becaue my grandmther felt that the tensions that always went on between my dad and Aunt Diana over the cottage would be passed on to Kelly/myself versus Beth (because Beth is her mother's daughter) grandmother's decided to get rid of the cottage.  And then because she is afraid of Aunt Diana, never told Diana that was the reason.  She told Diana (and what I always believed because this is what I was told) that the cottage got sold because my Dad said he wasn't going to up there once and year any more to do the needed maintenance.  Now my dad knows all about this.  He is fully aware and even participating in the lie.  To this day, Diana has not forgiven me Dad for "refusing" to take care of the cottage.  And he is okay with this?  All to protect my grandmother from the wrath of her own daughter.
Now, Beth.  About two years ago now my Aunt Diana was out visiting friends in BC and on the plane on the way back, she had an anerism (did I spell that right?).  She almost died and even today she has some issues with short term memory (she'll tell you the same story 5 times over the course of a couple hours).  Bruce flew out there to be with her and Beth wanted too as well, but didn't have the money.  So Bruce paid for her everything.  She was out there for five days and only visited Diana in the hospital twice.  And while she was there, she stole all the money out of Diana's purse.  Then went back home.  Later, Charles (Beth's biological dad) would tell Diana that he gave Beth $500 to go out there (but Beth told Bruce she had nothing).  Diana would later confront Beth on this and Beth admitted to everything.  Beth and Diana are "sort of" talking (there weren't talking at all for about 6 months) but Bruce and Beth aren't talking still.  In fact, Beth skipped out on my grandmother's 90's birthday party last summer because she is afraid to have to confront Bruce.
So that's the kind of girl my first cousin is.

So this whole thing sort of changed how I've thought about the "what if we still had the cottage..." thoughts.  I guess my grandmother sold it to protect us all, to protect us from Beth.  Pretty sad.

I've finished reading the five volumes of Scott Pilgrim now.  I HATE waiting on books.  Have to wait for the final volume now.  And the movie that is coming out, which I just don't know what to think of.    Hard for me to imagine this graphic novels being transformed onto the big screen because they are just so ... uh, strange.  Strange in that totally great way.  I read another Bryan lee O'Malley book called Lost at Sea, which I enjoyed too (about a girl who thinks a cat has stolen her soul).
I am almost reading Dewey right now.

But no time to read now!
Must go work on take-home exam ... and try not to think about tomorrow =(

(11 days to Hawksley Workman!!)
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