Apr 10, 2009 14:11
First off, let me state for the record, before posting this, that I am not prejudiced, or intolerant at all. I can see someone taking that from what I am about to say, because they didn't read all of my words before reacting.
I am absolutely sick of EOE and tolerance being forced down my neck. Not because I have a problem with any set of people, but because I do not feel it is my employer's job to educate me on such matters. This was done by my parents, and is done by me with my children. And done by me with my children means that I don't go out of my way to make a big deal about race, sexual preference, gender or disabilities. In fact, we have never had a "all people are equal talk" because I have never seen a situation arise with them that needed it. They have friends that are black, I have a wonderful friend who is gay and will be a wonderful father one day when he finally finds the right time to have his little one. They are treated like everyone else that I am friends with. I have never taken my children aside to inform them about the friends sexual preference because honestly, it's none of their damn business, nor have I ever taken them aside for a special talk about their friends of different origins.
Why? Because it just is. I want my kids to be accepting, which means, not making a big deal out of it. I want them to be able to treat everyone equally and not go out of their way to dislike or like someone just based on their culture, sexual orientation or otherwise. I want them to be genuine.
I guess this is why I have a problem with EOE and tolerance talks by employers. By bringing up the issue, or hiring someone because you have to fill a quota, you are inadvertently being prejudiced. If you would hire people based only on their qualifications then you would be mutual. By having practices in effect that make employers pick a certain number from each grouping, you are only furthering the discrimination or reverse discrimination in America.
Today, while I was going in for my orientation, along with videos about how my job goes about being the best place to work, they pulled out diversity. There was a whole video dedicated to how wonderfully diverse this job is. How it goes out of it's way to make sure there is a hispanic council, a council for gay people, a council for black people. You know, it left out a council for white people, or a council for straight people. This my friends, rubbed me the wrong way. I give two rats asses that you are diverse. You really aren't. If you were a tolerant job that employed people equally you wouldn't be making such a deal out of people's races.
It's kind of like having that friend who goes on and on to brag about how many gay friends he/she has. WTF?! Who the hell cares. Obviously the friend does. If I were his/her gay friend I would be insulted that he/she constantly used me as a marker to make him/her look cooler than they really are.
I guess that's my point. If I were gay, or black, or hispanic, I would take offense at the way the job uses that market or target area to make themselves look better. Hell, I took offense watching it, and I don't fit any of the "special" demographics.