addendum to my last post

Jun 17, 2005 15:01

Goodyear Blimp Crashes In Coral Springs Weather May Have Been Factor In Crash

CORAL SPRINGS, Fla. -- A Goodyear blimp crash-landed Thursday in an industrial park and the two people aboard were briefly trapped inside while electrical crews cleared the site, authorities said.

The "Stars & Stripes" blimp may have gotten tangled in power lines when it went down, said Coral Springs police spokesman Mike Moser.

The two people on board weren't injured, said Kathleen Bergen, spokeswoman for the Federal Aviation Administration. FAA investigators were at the scene hours later.

Authorities said bad weather might have forced the blimp down. There were thunderstorms in the area at the time.

Weather MAY have been a factor??? THERE WAS HAIL! It was lightening!! It was a TERRIBLE STORM... and the weather MAY have been a factor.... oh really??? and here i thought it was just... bad flying! oi!!

and then.. the other thing i love.. MAY have gotten tangled up in power lines.

UMMMMMMMMMM.... HELLLO!!!!!! The power was out for hours!!! for 1,400 people.. and it MAY HAVE BEEN TANGLED UP IN THE POWER LINES???? there were live wires all over the scene.. they werent allowing people out there. The whole freaking streets.. for 3 blocks were sectioned off. BECAUSE OF LIVE DOWNED WIRES!

Good lord.. these people are masters of the obvious arent they? I may.. be a mother... and I may have to children... oh oh oh... and I may live in a building.. or some sort of humanlike dwelling.

news in my backyard

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