I'm Smarter than you - I have a science degree

Apr 07, 2008 20:41

I LOLed.

image Click to view

Linked from _scientists_

(I would like an icon of Dancing Darwin, please.)

There's something of a debate (if you call YouTube comment bickering a 'debate') as to which side this is actually promoting. Evolutionary theory or Intelligent Design. Since it seems to be a promotion for Expelled, I vote that it's propaganda for Intelligent Design... but it seems to me like it kind of misses the mark.

Either way it's pretty funny, at least the few cursory listens that I've given to it.

In catching up news...

I got As in both of last quarters classes (Microbiology and Microcomputers). Pretty easy As, though Microbiology did take some good studying, but once I figured out how the teacher gave tests they were easy to study for.

This quarter it's an attempt at Chem 192 - which is essential Intro Chem, part 2. I'm witholding judgement - I like the instructor, but I am not a chem kind of person. Chemistry concepts and the like I understand just fine. I follow with no problem. As soon as math starts coming into the equation (har) my brain seizes up entirely. It's frustrating and depressing. If I could just take advanced level Biology classes I'd be happy all day. I still have to courses of Organic Chem and a Quantitative Analysis class to take... I think I may have a meltdown before then.

My only hope for avoiding this in the future is if I get some kind of grant so I can start taking classes full time and start working part time (rather than the other way around, which is how it is now). I've managed to avoid student loans so far and I'd like to keep it that way.
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