Sunset Soon Forgotten

May 20, 2007 22:10

I'm sleepy. I wanted an extra hour of sleep today but my brain wasn't cooperating - I had very odd V  for Vendetta style antiestablishment dreams that had my heart racing and my mouth cottony. Very weird.

T minus seven days until I'm on a plane bound for South Africa. By way of Paris. It's about eight hours the first leg and, to save us $700 we had that lay over instead of a direct flight. Eh well, it gives us ten hours (ugh!) in Paris (yay!) so we're planning on hopping the train into the city to buz around for a few hours before getting back on the plane for another ten hours. Paris to Johannesburg. I'm actually more excited about flying over the entire African Continent North to South than I am about spending time in Paris. We're supposed to fly over the Congo and the Sahara. :D

The list of things that I still need to get has more things on it than I want there to be. Luckily they're mostly small purchases, and some of them I know I already have, it's just a matter of seeing if they're things I can find. I need...

- a duffle bag big enough to fit my large backpack into (there are so many straps hanging off of it that I don't want any of them to get ripped off since it'll be my checked luggage)
- a Compass. A nice one. I was under the mistaken impression that we weren't supposed to bring them, but I guess it makes sense that we should. 
- Padlock for the footlocker in the hut. So no one breaks in and steals my freeze dried ice cream. 
- Multitool. I know my dad had a really nice Leatherman so I've sent my step mother on a quest to root through his old hunting gear to find it. I have a Gerber Paraframe knife I'm taking as well, just in case a blade is all I need. 
- Shorts. I hate shorts. I have one pair I'm taking, if I find any convertable pants (that zip off into shorts) for less than fifty bucks (eek) then I'll snag them. Otherwise I've got two pairs of pants that I'm taking that roll up to capri length and that should be enough. I'm not trying to win any fashion contests.

Update: And since this entry has been sitting open since I started writing it this morning at about 11, I've gotten the shorts, padlock and compass. I know where I can get a simple duffle bag if I need it, and a multi tool as well. That's it. I'm fricking done spending money.

At some point I'm going to put up an entry so people who would like to can give me their addresses. No promises given that I'll actually be able to send letters/postcards while I'm gone, but I'll try. And we'll have no actual address to send anything back. More to come later!
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