Acerate's List

Mar 13, 2007 19:28

Once again, I have a list. It's a good list, as there are already some things that have been struck through, and I'm not in a complete pinch to get them all done immediately. I have until the middle or so of May. Not a lot of time, but not bad. Two months isn't bad.

For Trip to South Africa (North Kruger National Park by way of Johannesburg)

Before The Trip
Passport - Applied for rushed on 3-13-07, should take 4-5 weeks.
First payment (Due Jan 15)
Second Payment (Due March 15)
Third payment (Due April 1)
Malaria Vaccination
Get prescriptions filled for trip

For the Trip
Camera equipment and plenty of film/batteries
Good quality sunglasses
Hat or cap
T-shirts (dark/khaki colors, NOT WHITE) no sleeveless shirts or very short shorts
1 long sleeved cotton shirt (dark/khaki)
Shorts (several pair) (dark/khaki)
1 pair long pants (pants that convert to shorts work well)
Underwear and socks - plenty of the latter
Good hiking boots
Flip flops or water shoes
Sweatshirt, fleece or sweater (dark/khaki)
Light jacket
Personal toiletries (soap, moisturizer, sun block, tissues, etc)
Water bottle
Malaria Tablets - DO NOT FORGET
Anti-histamine and insect repellant (with DEET)
Basic personal medical kit (aspirin, band-aids, blister treatment) *Ace bandage/ankle brace*
Pocket knife and/or leatherman (in checked luggage)
Maglight and spare batteries
Lip balm
Gloves and hat
Sleeping bag and travel pillow

Restrict luggage to One checked bag and One carry on

I got the baddest of bad assed daypacks today (Stratos 34). Thinking about specs, I probably should have gone larger, but I guess I'll find out at our next meeting, which is supposed to be after UGA's spring break. Which is this week. I'm going to try to hang off on buying anything else expensive until then. But I really couldn't pass it up... it was a $140 bag that I got for about $90 *woo* And although they're expensive, I'll probably go with a down sleeping bag because they pack down into nothing and won't take up too much space in my luggage. As long as I don't get it wet there won't be a problem.

lists, south africa

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