Mar 31, 2009 21:41
Well we're not going to talk about the difference between assertive and aggressive cuz they're the same damn thing (if you don't like someone, they're aggressive; if you like 'em, they're assertive). You just stick your foot in the door.
Disclaimer: alot of this anger is about women and other men and introversion and life and relationships and I don't expect women to understand what I'm talking about. Sorry if this is sexist, I'm just really pissed off right now, because there are an awful lot of stupid people and douchebags in the world.
I've been told I'm too slow my whole fucking life. I've been told I'm not assertive enough my whole fucking life. I don't get it. I'm attractive, smart, interesting, amusing if you pay attention, and a pretty fucking awesome guy. Is the whole world full of idiots? What the fuck is the big problem?