Must-see tonight, Fri. June 13, 8pm, WHYY

Jun 13, 2003 13:39

Maybe someone can tape this for me? I will be at Edgely after my team's Ultimate game (go, 33!). I could also call G. to see if he can....
NEW YORK, June 12, 2003-In an exclusive television interview on NOW with Bill Moyers airing Friday, June 13, 2003 at [8 p.m. on WHYY TV12] (check local listings), intelligence community insider Greg Thielmann tells Bill Moyers about his disbelief and anger at some public statements made by the Bush administration that, he says, were "misleading" and ignored intelligence information indicating that Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction program posed no imminent threat.

"It's hard to find a higher crime...than a democratic government not telling the whole truth to the American people," says Thielmann, who retired in September 2002 from the State Department after 25 years. Thielmann's office, the Bureau of Intelligence and Research, was charged with tracking Iraq's nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons.
Anyone else watching this whole Bush-lied-about-imminent-threat-of-WMDs scandal?

No big news on my turf. I'm waiting on a lot of people regarding lots of things. But I am not doing a whole lot of proactive shtuff. (sarcastic:) Wow, now how revealing is that...
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