I am in the process of uploading loads of photos to my Flickr account.
This is my permanent site:
Aaron G. Stock's photos Here are direct links to the sets I have up so far:
Broken Hipsters, NYC, June 2004
Hillside Music Festival, July 2004
The Gates, 2005-02-21 If you stumble upon your visage, let me know if you wish to have me
remove or protect the photo. I'm not displaying all my photos publicly
and am erring on the side of caution regarding which ones I show.
Flickr is good at setting different levels of privileges, with
passwords and such. [EDITED:] Flickr doesn't allow you to password-protect a set unless you create an account with Flickr. Once you have a Flickr account, we can be contacts. Once you're a contact, I can list you in either or both of only 2 categories: "Friends" and "Family."
Well, if you don't want to make a Flickr account (and I can't blame ya), and if you think or know I have a photo you want, let me know and I can send you a copy via the regular channels. There. [END EDIT]
Also, If you want me to send you a hi-res photo, let me know.
A brief update
Life's going ok. I was out last night with L and friends at Dive Bar.
I need to sleep well tonight, for I am going to be at
my team's Ultimate games early tomorrow. That will be a sign I'm out of
my last funk.
I have been consciously moving to raze the
artificial wall separating Ace Pumpkin and Aaron G. Stock. We are one
and the same. I won't give up the Ace Pumpkin moniker, but I won't
hide, either. I was hiding in plain sight, anyway, for after all, it
was never exactly difficult to link the two names. Especially since
Google Groups has all my Usenet posts from my Earlham and post-Earlham
days. Perhaps I'll link to those sometime so you can see my fitful and
somewhat embarrassing early Internet history.