(no subject)

Apr 20, 2007 01:13

I have no sympathy for the shooter. After seeing that video and those pictures, I don't want to try and understand him and his motives. I feel nothing but anger toward him. And the WBC....posting in the VATech community, protesting at the funerals...don't you people have anything better to do than torment grieving families? (this goes for their protests at soldier funerals too)

Jenn, the card you made for UE is so beautiful...i cried when I saw the pictures on facebook. Thank you so much. If UE is a sea of orange and maroon, will you post pictures? i want to see it. I thought about going to UE for a couple days, but with it being Sunset Concert and Bike RAce....that's just too many people for me to deal with right now.

It's good to see that we are no longer the only news story. Good to see there are other things going on in the world and the country than us. I can't wait for the media to leave. I can't wait to be able to walk around campus without worrying that someone is going to shove a camera and microphone in my face.

what i hate more is certain people in the media trying to place the blame on unversity or other officials for not catching this madman. they did everything in their power. they did everything right. with the first shooting, there really was no reason for them to think that it was part of something bigger, until it was. I place NO blame on anyone except the madman who walking into those buildings and created this bloodbath that we all now have to deal with. HE is the only one to blame. And HE is gone, so we can't punish him. and i think that's why people are trying to blame others....they want someone to pay for this, the one responsible can't so they're looking for someone else to. It's no one else's responsibility except the madman who did it, the madman on that video and in those pictures that haunted my dreams all last night. There should be no backlash against the government, the university, asians, anyone. we may not be able to punish him...but by getting through this, which we will somehow, and not involving him in any of the memorial services, we spite him...we don't play into his hands.
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