In other news...
Happy Birthday to
Jadeddiva To anyone whose bday i missed, i grovel at your feet to ask for forgiveness. and while i'm at it, incase i lose my head, drop of the face of the earth, or otherwise disappear and forget....happy early bdays to
Krazysidhe March 6,
talisellestar April 5, and
Fiercenailbunny April 25 (which just happens to also be my dad's bday.
I'm in big big big, gigantic, humungous trouble, deeper than the deepest deep shit. It's all my own fault and i take full responsibility. I only hope i can fix it. I'm just afraid I may not be able to fix things this time, things just might not work out this time. Oh well, fingers crossed and time for more work.
Just want to say....I love you all, and I apologize for whatever I may hove done to hurt you ever, and for if I do anything in the future, because I'm not in my right mind right now, so if i say or do anything hurtful....i'm sorry, there's no excuse for such behaviour, but i honestly don't know what i'm doing half the time anymore.