Apr 21, 2004 09:30
Ok, I'm going to brighten this thing up. The dark colors were weighing me down. I'll see how these blues work for me for the next little bit.
So I woke up this morning to the sound of the construction guys...again. I think 6:50 was the time. I am pretty certain that they were actually playing with their machinery and not using it properly. I heard the constant revving of engines and the over-whinging of chainsaws for at least 25 minutes. Now honestly, why do you need to rev an engine for 25 minutes? To warm it up?...uh, I don't think so.
There was a bomb threat this morning on a regional train outside of Fredericia (a 2 hour drive from Copenhagen). They don't know if there's an actual bomb, they don't know who made the threat, but they evacuated the train anyhow. True or not, I just don't get why people are so bent on blowing shit up and making everyone else's life miserable. Is it really going to achieve state autonomy, world domination or happiness in heaven?...hmmmmm. This includes all categories of bombers (eg: uni, suicide, fundamentalist--islamic, christian or otherwise). Slap af. (Danish for relax, one of my favourite expressions--pronounced slap eh).
On a lighter note. There are 40 days until I get to see Ben Harper in Hamburg. I also get to volunteer at a music festival this summer. Tres cool...free rocking out.
Went to the movies and saw Big Fish last night. It wasn't a fabulous movie, but it was good=warm and fuzzy. I would recommend it with a 6.5
Okay. Time for the thesis; I think I am on the right track. At least I know what I want to focus on...now I just have to narrow it down.