What, we're here again?

Dec 25, 2009 10:51

Go to your Calendar and find the first entry for each month of 2009. Post the first line of it in your journal, and that's your "Year In Review."

January: Well, so far, it seems that my decision not to get a permanent LJ account may have been the right one, but, who knows.
February: Well, I went ahead and renewed my paid account.
March: As this is entry #1028, and 10/28 also happens to be my birthday, I figured I better make it a good one.
April: The last couple of months have been so busy that I probably shouldn't have bothered to renew my paid LJ membership, considering how little I have been posting.
May: I am so very sad and I wish I could somehow rewind and undo what happened on Sunday night.
June: As some of you may know, long-term writing projects are definitely not my strong suit.
July: I don't know whether it's the fact that my ever-dwindling attention span is now only able to keep up with Facebook/Twitter, or simply that my love affair with LJ is finally coming to an end.
August: In lieu of actual content, here is a snippet from last night's IM chat with toastmantom.
September: Yes, I am in LA, desperately struggling to finish packing up the apartment, while working as a part-time, non-exempt employee at my old job.
October: There is apparently a T-Mobile outage, which has disabled my precious, precious Sidekick, lifeline to the Internet!
November: I posted this to the Kittypix community, and I thought I'd give it a shot here too.
December: My mom is in the midst of having the kitchen remodeled, so there are contractors and workmen stomping all over the house and the whole place smells like fresh paint and varnish.

Yeah, this just about encapsulates it re: LJ. It definitely was not worth it to renew my paid account. I posted about twice a month for most of the year. Since I do still read other people's LJs, I miss all the extra user pics that already expired, but I really just don't know if I want to spend any more money here. Of course, if I don't renew, all my photos previously posted to LJ will break... decisions, decisions.

lj, meme

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