This morning, I was having the following dream. I dreamed that I was already at work and getting ready for my meeting. It was quite realistic. I got my coffee and some water, then thought I'd check in on the fish bowl. The water was very dirty and the fish were looking quite sick. (Sure, I don't have fish in reality, but I think this must have been the HR fish tank, now that I think about it!) I started cleaning the tank with some paper towels, being careful not spill anything, and realizing that I better hurry, because my meeting would be starting soon. Then I woke up and realized: Oh yes, I'm NOT at work, and my meeting WILL be starting soon. Noooo! So I leaped out of bed and was out the door in record time. It took me 6 minutes to drive to work like a maniac, and as I peeled in to turn into the little service road to the parking structure, I saw a bunch of bees over at the hedge. As I started turning right, I looked directly into the hedge, and actually shouted "Eeeeee!" because a swarm of bees was inside it.
At lunch, I borrowed my co-worker's camera and went down to take the bees' photograph. I thought maybe grounds maintenance would have gotten rid of them by then... but no, there they were. Bees.
Kind of crazy, huh?