I have hit 100 people on my friends list and several conversations over the last two days have prompted me to examine the group.
8 of the 100 are duplicate journals/writing journals/etc.
2 of the 100 are people I met RL after knowing them only through LJ.
30 of the 100 are internet people whom I have never met RL.
60 of the 100 are people I know RL who also happen to have a LJ. That does include a few people who I knew of through LJ, but we met first, then LJ-friended later.
It's weird and probably an atypical percentage of net-to-flesh LJ friends (though 100% of toastmantom's list are RL people, so I'm not THAT weird! :).
Generally, I think of myself as a pretty decent comment-er, though I haven't had as much time to comment during the day due to work and I feel like I've been missing a lot of people's entries. Sometimes I do wonder about the people on my list who never seem to comment, but I just tend to assume they are as busy as I am or don't have anything particularly pithy to add to the entry or maybe they've long since taken me off their default view. I'm down with all of that.
I don't get upset when people de-friend me, so if you have been dying to do so, feel free. :) Hey, sometimes it just doesn't work out. (Of course, if I also happen to know you RL, I will cut you, bitch! You will pay with your life!)