Got False Swipe/Sword Dance Scizor to Level 100. So, ready to SRing Shiny Mewtwo in LG, as soon as my Japanese year is over !
And, holy crap, that Star Ocean : Second Evolution
teaser and
opening are SO AWESOME~~~
Yes, indeed : Superb song, excellent voice performance (especially from Claude, Rena, Dias and Ashton -although I loved Tomokazu Seki's performance for Ashton in SOEX. But Akira Ishida is excellent as well-. As for Celine, though, I prefered Mami Kingetsu - who's also Shiori Fujisaki's seiyuu, BTW- 's performance in Star Ocean EX over Saki Nakajima's in that game), and nice CGs, although it took me some time to get used to this style. Well, at least it's way better than Minato's style in the original Star Ocean 2 game (but Azuma's style in the SO2 manga all the way as far as I'm concerned~).
And I've also seen some videos of SOSE's gameplay. Full voice dialogues... Improved battles... More Private Actions (Dias in the original SO2, I'm glaring at you on this one >_<)... Faces and mimics along with the dialogues, like in Lunar games...
Dammit, if only it wasn't basically the only game which interests me on PSP (until I got Tokimemo 1 on PS1, I was interested in its PSP port as well, but since the port doesn't offer anything new other the PS1 version, I don't see the need now... And okay, there's also Valkyrie Profile and Disgaea, but... T_T), and if I didn't have a DS already... :(
That being said...
(Couldn't resist this one. ^^)