This last year's report.

Jan 01, 2009 13:52

2008 was for me quite a rich year, as everyone who knows me on the web (i.e. all of you in my LJ friend list, the members of my own forum les 4F, and those who know me at FESS and Serenes) have probably seen it.

2008 was for me the first year in my 26 years old's lifetime I was preparing and taking on such a long trip on such a faraway country. To say the truth, I was already preparing the trip since 3 years ago, notably by building an excellent academic score to convince my university to select me in the program. But this year was the one where the preparations were the most active, as as soon as I was accepted by both my university and the Japanese one for the one-year study trip, I had to accomplish a lot of administrative formalities during the first half of the year.

And then, on the second half of the year, the trip began, as exciting and as adventurous as I described in my LJ posts since September. :p
And now I am here in Japan, celebrating this new year. And I'm having a great time here. ~o~
Let's this excitment continue during the rest of my trip in the first half of 2009 ! :D

2008 was a also a great gaming year for me. I got a good bunch of Megadrive titles, and it was during that year I got my first imported games, and those even before I went to Japan (Fire Emblem 3 and 6, Tokimeki Memorial 1, Taisen Puzzle Dama and Private Collection, Lunar 1, and Star Ocean 2). And after being in Japan, I found even more awesome games (and notably nearly completed my PS1 Tokimemo games collection), and also considerably increased my Fire Emblem goods collection. :p

And also, it's the first year I ever did a Pokémon Giveaway, and I'm quite satisfied of its results. :p

And then you've got world events of 2008. These sucked, though. Especially the financial crisis. Those bastard greedy speculators finally broke the system, and now its the common people who suffers from it. Great job guys. -_-# (and the repercussion for me, is that, just before my trip to Japan, the Euro was at a 150 yens change : during the crisis' peak it fell at 105 yen, and now it's at 127 yens. Wonderful. -_-)

Let's hope 2009 will be a good year. ;)

real life, video games, japanese study trip

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