Jan 09, 2006 11:03
WEll my whole thought is this: "Make it easy on peoples."
I learned that with Christmas, I'll have to make a list for people for here locally, and for others to buy me cheap stuff online (since that's where the best deals are).
I will probably be considering this birthday as my last celebrated birthday (other than 30 and 40 respectively). Why? Because I am having a child and its not so much of a thing to celebrate anymore once little Brody is around. I don't want to pass him off to other family members while I celebrate my birthday. I'd like for him to be around and marvel in the cake and fun that is my birthday. Maybe my thoughts will change, but who knows.
Anyways, my birthday is March 14th, which I believe falls on a Tuesday this year. More than likely, will be celebrating it on the weekend before, so probably the 10th or 11th. Sakura's, naturally.
On to the LIST:
Champions books: I recommend EBAY for this (I got a great $26 book for $10+shipping).
Ultimate Brick
Ultimate Martial Artist
Gadgets and Gears
UNTIL Database II (I have the first one)
Hackmaster Books: Again, EBAY
Player's Guide to Pixie Faeries
Lord Flataroy's Guide to Fortifications
Models/Action Figures:
Any Naruto Models
Tifa from FFVII: Advent Children
Megas XLR
Gift Certs:
Burger King
(Why these? McDs and BK are good for me for lunch, and Sakura's is good for dinner dates with the wife).
Things not to get me:
Gift Certs to Wally-World, Lowes, Heroes-N-Dragons (Why, because I don't need to buy things from these places, and Heroes is too expensive for stuff, they don't offer decent discounts or anything)
That is all. I will be reposting this every other week, to remind and mortify you all. GET YOUR GIFTS EARLY!!!
T-h-a-t i-s a-l-l.