
Jul 17, 2005 20:59

Summer from hell

Damn, never thought I'd look forward to school starting back up in the fall as much as i do now. So completely bored in my internship (my UNPAID internship). Half the time I end up just web-browsing all day, which I guess isn't so bad... but when you have 100 people working around you, you feel really uncomfortable looking like a lazy bitch. But, it's not my fault lol, i'm always waiting on someone else to do something before i can start working on a particular project. And since they pay me nothing (I pay to go there in fact...fuck you UF), they don't care that i'm sitting there wasting away. Only 3 weeks left of this though, then I get to look forward to commuting from tampa once a week for my classes here in gainesville until i'm done in april.

Yeah, Debbie got promoted, so we are moving to tampa. I'm happy, and she's extremely excited. I would transfer to USF, but well, haven't heard many good things about that school compared to UF lol. Actually, my masters degree is just too specialized at this point to transfer any of my credit to a comparable program at USF. Our apartment in tampa is close to I-75, so it won't be more than an hour 40 minute drive at my speed lol. And tampa is a much better situation for me career wise...will be ALOT easier to find an info. science position at the salary i'm looking for down there compared to gville.

Kinda depressed to have sold the house. You start to take it for granted, but now that i know i'm going back to apartment living, i'm trying to soak up as much LOUD music and movie watching as i can. I certainly won't miss mowing the lawn lol....and I won't be as poor as i've been while going back to school since we sold the house for an even 250 :-). Plan is to save up for 2 or 3 years then build a house again..but this time not in a subdivision....too restrictive, and i hate paying homeowner association fees for very little in return. Just gotta hope real estate bubble will burst between now and then or else i'll be paying over 300 grand for a comparable house in a few years :-(

Hasn't been an incredibly eventful summer. VERY happy Joe is back in FL. We gonna get sick of each other when we are only 20 minutes apart down in tampa/st.leo. Went to adventure island with doug and walid, my sister, ashlei and debbie last month. Then went to busch gardens yesterday...which sucked ass cause there was an insane number of people there. The new coaster Sheikra was sick though. Got our season passes, so once i'm down there 5 miles from the park, i'm gonna be riding that biatch once a week lol.

I think that is a good update for now. I will try to update more often now that Steve is using this LJ shiat.
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