Today, January 4, happens to be the birthday of my friend
msstacy13. She's an author
But Soon It Will Be Night a graphic and moving World War 2 story, as well as
Your Stef's A Detective, some of the best police-procedural stories I've ever read; and editor (
She Blended Me With Science, which is chock full of really amazing stories). And she's fun to argue theology with, and she likes old-fashioned houses with balconies and turrets and music rooms.
I'd bake you a cake, Stacy, but is it okay if I use eggs and butter as ingredients? That will make a nice yellow cake with pastel yellow frosting, like in the userpic, all nicely flavored with rich vanilla and maybe a hint of lemon rind. (Or rum, if you'd prefer that.) How I'm going to get it to Omaha is a bit problematic, but I've got until next year to figure that out. Have a very happy day, and may your birthday wishes all come true, in the best possible ways!
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