nobody but you
G ; fluff?
503 words
a/n: idk where this came from o_O
All the members knew about Kikwang’s family situation but none of them really understood it. None of them, except for Yoseob that is. Kikwang didn’t get how Yoseob could understand. Yoseob’s family life was pretty much the complete opposite of Kikwang’s. His parents cared, they talked to each other on a regular basis, they wished him the best. Kikwang couldn’t remember the last time his parents called him. But he was thankful he had Yoseob to understand.
Yoseob made sure to give Kikwang the attention he needed. When other member’s were going to visit family Yoseob stayed by Kikwang’s side. Kikwang didn’t know why Yoseob does this though. Maybe it’s because they’ve known each other since they were just mere students with big dreams. Maybe it’s because that’s just the way Yoseob is; wanting to make everyone happy. Whatever the reason is, Kikwang is eternally grateful to be on the receiving end of all this care and affection from Yoseob. Sometimes Kikwang thinks he would’ve gone crazy if Yoseob wasn’t also in Beast. Kikwang’s the type to latch on to anyone who gives him ten minutes of their time and while the other members will humor him for a little while, they eventually get fed up with his nonstop craving to be noticed. Yoseob’s always there though, willing to laugh and play stupid games. Kikwang is his brother, his best friend. Naturally he should want to make him happy, right?
When their schedules got a little more hectic and the boys were working harder than they ever had before Kikwang started to seek out Yoseob more and more. He needed that comfort that Yoseob supplied. He wanted to be able to joke around and not take things seriously all the time. Yoseob helped him forget all the stress he was feeling 24/7. It was like he was back in high school, just another nameless teenager among many without a care in the world. Kikwang wasn’t using Yoseob to help him forget the condition of his relationship with his parents anymore. It was more than that. He needs Yoseob now. He’s his crutch.
They were in the practice room, where they seemed to be spending 85% of their time nowadays, working on their newest dance routine. It was too hot in the room, sweat was pouring off each of them and Yoseob could swear that he could hear their heavy, ragged breathing even over the too loud music.
Yoseob watched Kikwang out of the corner of his eye. He smiled slighty to himself. When people looked at Kikwang, they saw a strong, tough, young man. Yoseob knew better though. He knew the real Kikwang. The real Kikwang had the charm of a child, and sometimes the mind of one too. The real Kikwang just wants to feel wanted or, more specifically, that he's special enough to be wanted. The real Kikwang is much more timid and self-conscious when he’s out of the public eye. Yoseob smiled wider, thinking that maybe he’s a little bit in love with this Kikwang.