Mar 27, 2009 14:38
At this moment, the educational part of the conference is done. At 5pm, we're all supposed to get back together for a roundtable session that I will be attending but not likely participating. I don't want to say that the conference has been a waste of time, but it seems as if it's been very... incidental to what I do. And normally I would be very interested despite it being incidental, but most of the presenters weren't very good at presenting.
It was independent of the language barrier, that's for damn sure. Aiya.
But, the fact that I had a lovely lunch with a water engineer (Greece) and a surprisingly engaging solar plant engineer (Switz.); I say surprising because he acted like an arse throughout the morning session. And Maria too, of course :D
This was a vast improvement over yesterday's lunch which was with two microbiologists, one from DC and one from Israel. The gentleman from Israel was... a bit rude, actually, but DC scientist was nice. I've never been interested in microbiology -- I didn't take one class on that subject in college -- but it became rapidly apparent that I would never go in that direction since I wasn't A) a stamp collector or B) overly particular and controlling.