Feb 09, 2009 20:12
- 10:04 Stayed home today b/c stomach is upending every few hours. Seriously, I haven't eaten peanut butter in a month+, wtf? #
- 10:51 just attempted eating so I'd at least have something to upend if it comes to that again. #
- 11:23 @ pixelvixen - I think I've got all that I need here, but thanks a million for the offer. :) #
- 12:10 On one hand, I am glad that A. Rod is sacking up to the public. On the other hand, I'm FURIOUS at the god damn shadiness of MLB. FU Selig. #
- 13:01 @ knitmeapony - re: sudafed I KNEW IT WASN'T WORKING!! That is why I stopped buying it! #
- 13:59 @ pixelvixen --- ooooooooooooooh, that sounds awesome. #
- 18:54 Soooo. chicken soup makes me sick. HOW CAN THIS BE!?! It's chicken soup! #
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