My face is raw. On the inside. And it itches. Also on the inside.

Apr 19, 2007 20:54

What is your name? Courtney

Are you named after anyone? Part of my middle name is after a great uncle…? I think. Could be a distant cousin.

What's your screen name? hehe, I have several. Usually some variation of c_dub_yah or Ace de Horner

Would you name a child of yours after you? *shrug* Maybe that part of my middle name, definitely not my first.

If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name be? Benjamin. That’s what I was called throughout my mom’s pregnancy, hah, they thought I was a boy for a long time.

If you could switch names with a friend who would it be? …? I dunno. I like the names Heather and Quinn a lot, I suppose.

Are there any mispronunciations/typos that people do with your name constantly? A few. It doesn’t happen that often, though. My Mexican friends have a tendency to call me ‘Courny’

Would you drop your last name if you became famous? No. In fact, if I were famous, I’d only be known by my last name. And if anyone forgot to address me properly they would be flung fully clothed into the nearest body of water. “That’s Ms. to you, biznatch”


Your gender: Female

Straight/Gay/Bi: pansexual.

Single? Uhhh, no? ish? I haven’t seen him in like, three weeks.

Do you want to be? It would be nice if I saw him once in a while… and if he hasn’t called me by International Make Out Day I’m going to be pissed.

Birth date: Oct 7

Your age: 18

Age you act:: ? Late twenties? I can be pretty jaded at times. Then again, at other times it’s around 12 (usually because of fangirl enthusiasm)

Age you wish you were: I’ve always thought being 23 would be nice, but it all depends.

Your height: 5’4”? I think.

Eye color: grey, green, and brown, from the outside in

Happy with it? I used to wish it were all green, but I’m rather attached to it now.

Hair color: brown, with occasional copper tones in the summer

Happy with it? yep

Lefty/righty/ambidextrous: righty

Your living arrangement: dorm, in a single. SHWEET.

Your family: divorced since I was two, and I’m an only child

Have any pets? two cats (Amber May and Tiger), a bird (Jazzie), and a snake (Patch). Patch is probably my favorite.

What's your job? Broke college student

Piercings? None (I’m really indecisive)

Tattoos? None (ditto)

Obsessions? The beauty of words, reading, music, fanfiction (I’ll admit it), recently Billy Boyd

Do you speak another language? Haha, no. I took four years of Spanish…but yeah.

Have a favorite quote? You’re kidding, right? One?

Do you have a webpage? Haha, like I know html. Or any other coding, for that matter. (God, I wish I did. Computer geeks are hot.)

Do you live in the moment? A good deal of the time, actually.

Do you have any secrets? I’m sure I do

Do you hate yourself? Not really, no. I’ll get mad at myself occasionally, but mostly I really like who I am.

Do you like your handwriting? It suits me.

Do you have any bad habits? Procrastinating and time management in general, biting my nails until they hurt when I touch anything, making the most innocuous things seem dirty, and the list goes on…

What is the compliment you get from most people? I’m “nice” apparently. “Helpful” and “thoughtful” are close seconds.

If a movie were made about your life, what would it be called? Can’t we all just chill the fuck out?

What's your biggest fear? Losing/hurting people who I love/trust me.

Can you sing? Not well. It’s one of my biggest regrets, not being able to sing.

Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool? I haven’t pretended to be something I’m not in a long while.

Are you a loner? Occasionally (read: usually). I need time alone if I’m to function at all.

What are your priorities in life? Living as myself, graduating, getting a secure job and a safe place for all my books, etc.

If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Usually.

Are you a daredevil? Not particularly

Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself? My inability to get things done when I want to.

Are you passive or aggressive? Er, passive, I suppose.

Do you have a journal? Livejournal. Several, actually. Occasionally I write random shit down in various notebooks.

What is your greatest strength and weakness? Haha, like I’d let those out to the general public.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Probably the singing thing. I’d like to be a little more intelligent, too.

Do you think you are emotionally strong? Mmm, sometimes I repress things, but other than that? Sure.

Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life? I find that I’ve regretted not telling people how I feel about them in the past, so now my friends are probably sick of hearing how much I love them all the time.

Do you think life has been good so far? Well, I loved my childhood.

What is the most important lesson you've learned from life? Appreciate. Everything.

What do you like the most about your body? My wrists are rather attractive if I do say so myself. McG likes my feet.

Do you think you are good looking? Not especially, but I’m pretty comfortable with myself.

Are you confident? Externally, yeah. Not so much in my own head.

What is the fictional character you are most like? The grey-haired whore in The Book of Flying by Keith Miller. Her name is Narya.

Are you perceived wrongly? Everyone is, at one point or another.

Do You...

Smoke? No

Do drugs? No

Sometimes Pray? Usually just to say thank you every now and then.

Go to church? No. Well, with certain friends, I suppose. Maybe once or twice a year.

Talk to strangers who IM you? No

Sleep with stuffed animals? At home I have a few.

Take walks in the rain? Most assuredly.

Talk to people even though you hate them? I don’t think that hate is a word to be taken lightly. I talk to people I’m not fond of, sure, but everyone has to at some point.

Drive? Haha, no. I’m lazy to a truly stupid degree.

Like to drive fast? IN BED. Wait, what? Who are we talking about?

Would or Have You Ever?

Liked your voice? I suppose. I love reading poetry aloud.

Hurt yourself? Indeed.

Been out of the country? I miss Ireland ;_;

Eaten something that made other people sick? Haha, yeah. Several times.

Been in love? Not in a romantic way, no.

Done drugs? What kind of drugs? I’m rather attached to my advil liquid-gel capsules, yes.

Gone skinny-dipping? …no. At least, not in a natural body of water. Jacuzzis don’t count, right?

Had a medical emergency? Er, no?

Had surgery? Nada. Unless you count a root canal.

Ran away from home? Nope

Played strip poker? …heh.

Gotten beaten up? Only in karate tournaments.

Beaten someone up? Ditto.

Been picked on? Of course

Been on stage? Yep, not for a long while, though

Slept outdoors? Naturally.

Pulled an all nighter? Several times.

If yes, what is your record? …what? Oh, I guess 40 hours awake, that’s my absolute limit, though.

Talked on the phone all night? I think four hours is my record. I don’t generally like talking on the phone.

Slept together with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex? Yep.

Slept all day? As often as possible.

Killed someone? Yeah, like I’d tell people that.

Made out with a stranger? Hee, I really like Jules’ answer for this: “dude, germs”

Had sex with a stranger? Roflcopters, look above.

Thought you're going crazy? I don’t really dwell on it anymore.

Kissed the same sex? Yeppers.

Done anything sexual with the same sex? Heh, define “sexual”.

Been betrayed? …?

Had a dream that came true? I get déjà vu rather a lot.

Broken the law? Dude. It’s not like it’s hard to do. (OMG THEY’RE JAYWALKING, etc., etc.)

Met a famous person? Depends on what circles you’re in. I’ve met Ray Bradbury, Brom, Charles Allen Harris, the former San Diego police chief…

Have you ever killed an animal by accident? I smooshed a pillbug when I was little and was traumatized by it’s slimy green insides

On purpose? Ants, the fuckers.

Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell? I don’t think so.

Stolen anything? Not anything notable. Translation: Not that I can remember.

Been on radio/TV? Once, for ASB, I was in the background, though, thank God.

Been in a mosh-pit? Had one maybe a foot away from my back at a show.

Had a nervous breakdown? Haha, yes. My parents were out of town and I wasn’t understanding my classes and I had my period and had just fucked up an assignment or something so I just broke down and started crying all over my (very stoic) godfather. I laugh about it now, but I was without reason when it happened.

Bungee jumped? Hah, no.

Had a dream that kept coming back? When I dream at all they’re usually recurring dreams, I forget them after about ten minutes of waking up, though.

Believe in life on other planets? It’s possible, even probable, I just don’t think they’d ever give a shit about us.

Miracles? sure

Astrology? Is fun at times

Love at first sight? Not really, it can develop after a good first impression, but that first impression wasn’t love.

Yin and yang (that good cant exist w/o bad)? Indeed. The light cannot exist without the shadow; it’s all relative, really.

Witches? Um, it’s a religion, and it’s usually called Wicca now. In individual power, you mean? Absolutely.

Easter bunny? I refuse to take this seriously.

Believe its possible to remain faithful forever? If you want to, I don’t think it’s a necessity of a healthy relationship, by any means. Honesty, yo, that’s where it’s at.

Believe there's a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow? Literally or figuratively?

Do you wish on stars? Think at them, more often.

In better news,
annaham  and I are getting matching tattoos. We haven't decided on a final design yet, but they are going to be FUCKING SWEET. And also, on our asses. WE OBVIOUSLY WIN AT LIFE. *throws up fake gang signs*

meme, me

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