Recap of the Best Week Ever: Part One

Jul 23, 2009 00:20

Thursday: Flew into SD, had dinner with my dad and godfather. My father cooks the best steaks possibly ever. Yay lemon cake!

Friday: Got up around 2pm, then wandered around Seaport Village for a while, where I bought gifts for both of my Rachels. Later dad took me to a shooting range and I fired a handgun for the first time. Dinner at The Chicken Pie Shop.

Saturday: Pride!! Watched the parade with Shaina and Jaelyn, and actually remembered to take pictures! Walked over to the festival after getting some frozen yogurt and got some lovely swag (including the rainbow tie I've wanted forever and many, many condoms) then met up with Beth for a bit. Ran into an old friend of my mother's and several other acquaintances. Had dad pick us up so we didn't have to walk back!

Sunday: Woke up late again (and sunburned!), then went to the con meeting around 12:30. Chatted mostly with Jared and his sister, though I missed P.K., Tara and Karim who didn't show up. Father picked me up after and I had dinner with him and Leisa (my pseudo-stepmother) at DZ Akins. Cookies (and tiramisu!) were had by all. Finished off the evening by watching Star Trek for the fifth time.

Monday: Went to my dad's AA meeting and was very proud of him for how he's changed himself since I've been gone. Checked into a hotel and was given a free upgrade to Penthouse Suite! AWESOME. Bussed to OB, met Shaina's new dog, then went with her to buy candy and sit on the cliffs near SD-Gustav's place for a while. Bussed back to the hotel, took an amazing bath in my GIANT tub, then had some friends over for a roaring good time.

Tuesday: Woke up early to eat breakfast with said friends before they left, then went back to sleep for about an hour. Got up around 10 to go give blood with my dad, then bussed to the Point Loma Library and bought more books than is probably heathy. McG picked me up and we took her malamutes to the vet, after which we ate ice cream, ate frozen yogurt, ate mexican food, and then ate more ice cream. During the last we watched some old old Fleischer Superman cartoons, but McG soon took me back to my hotel because I kept falling asleep on her. She was quite naturally marveled by my room.

Wednesday: Got up early to check out, and dad drove me to con so I could start setting up the art show, only to find there wasn't much to do for several hours. Was harassed by friends and strangers both about the marks on my neck. Proceeded to chat with co-workers (PK showed up! as did Sin, though not until later), train volunteers, set up artists, and other such staff-ly duties until about six, whereupon I escaped to wander the floor with Shaina. I bought Sunbird and the accompanying perfume, a copy of InWonderland (from the artist who signed and sketched it for me!!) and watched Shaina buy Emily socks, three changable pictures, and a copy of Looking for Group 1 (the last from a very amusing and possibly drunk Sohmer, whose staff insisted on high-fiving me and were incredibly sweet). Bussed to dad's and wrote this!

So yeah! Stay shiny, Week Made of Awesome! I look forward to enjoying a continuation of said awesomeness for the next few days.

geek, friends, comiccon, bpalz, hee, !!!, love

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