Adam, Jake, Cary and my self were on our way to our buddy Ben's house in Ann Arbor. We were getting ready to turn into his drive way when i was re-ended by a drunk girl going 55-60. The trunk was smashed in, Cary and Adam who were in the back seat were okay, Car was totaled.
I went to University of Michigan Hospital and was there for 4 hours.
The sad thing is I was yelled at by her, she was trying to make it into my fault. WHEN SHE HIT A FUCKING STOPPED CAR. She refused the PBT. I then was forced into riding in the ambulance with her, In which she did nothing but complain about how "She cant wait till i have to blow" Which i was sober, and would NEVER drink and drive.
To all my friends, I basically layed and thought about how my life could have ended tonight. I got home and broke down into tears just thinking I could have never seen you again. How life could have been over in that very instant. How lucky I am to still be alive.
Adam, Jake, Cary..
I love you guys more than you'll ever know. I'm sorry that we had to experiance that bullshit tonight. None of us deserved anything of that nature.
That sad thing is, someone wished a bad night apon me.
and it happend.