(no subject)

Jul 04, 2005 16:33

Day One: We woke up at 8 am to go to the beach to find it packed like no other. When we got there me and brad went body surfing, did so for about an hour. After that we went up to the holiday in over by the beach we were at to go sit in the hot tub for a few minutes. We left took a short walk, went back to the hot tub then got kicked out for not being a member/guest of the hotel (fuckers). After that we decided to go on another walk mainly to see if we could find something to do. We ended up making it to the peir and there was this giant group of people so we decided to see what was going on. When we got there, there was a group of dancer/gymnist guys doing all these bad ass flips and double backflips in the sad. It was amazing..we sat and watched that for about 20 minutes then we made our way back to the group, and about the time we got back it started to rain so then we left to go back to the grandparents house. Now i sit here, kinda bored, kinda hungry and im kinda thinking we should be at the beach.

Well, thats day one, i am taking pictures so there will be plenty of those to look at when i get back. It's hot, and I'm kinda sun burnt but whatever shit happens.

Feel Free to call me or text me if you want 921-7936.

- Boy Wonder
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