Jul 07, 2010 08:50
Weather report. Damn, it's hot. I get to be stuck in training today for most of the day on top of the fact that the board room has very little air flow. Fortunately yesterday it had a fan. Granted, I'm not working outdoors, so really I have nothing to complain about, but I reserve the right to complain. :)
As for my D&D rant...
Why is it that every reasonable D&D game starts out at levels 1-3? The DMs seem sane, structured, and friendly. The optimizers still join, because optimization isn't a sin and it can be done at any level. The power gamers still complain, because it makes them feel good (or something). There are exceptions to this, of course, like the DMs who have half-baked ideas, no selection process, and are awful at writing a descriptive paragraph, but that's talent that they lack, not sanity.
Very few DMs who implement either gestalt rules or games that start at level 10+ are sane. Oh look, a level 16 gestalt game. After some reasonable applications, we find out that the DM thinks that the copywrite laws are BS, and likens it to stopping at stop signs at 1am. Utterly useless. I argue this, because stopping at stop signs at 1am is still the law.
Then you get the power gamers. All of a sudden, applications all look like they came straight out of the Book of Exalted Deeds or the Book of Fiendish What-have-you, and almost everyone's a zombie. I had since left the application process for this game given the copywrite viewpoints, but I'm still drawn to look at the application thread (PbP game). It's like watching a train wreck. I almost want to sign on as a reader to watch people bitch at each other, but that's an exercise in futility.
I need to do more real-life D&D gaming with real and awesome people instead of this online stuff. There are some amazing games and people, but it takes effort to find.