*proud of self*

Aug 15, 2003 12:29

I am so proud of myself right now. Why? cause I updated NicKaos dot Com. I've been wanting to do that for like a week! Work's been taking up a lot of my time, and then on top of that I can't bloody sleep at night! I think I'm turning into a fucking insomniac or something. Which is not good considering the fact that school starts next Wednesday. I'm starting what I guess could be compared to college for you US people. It's higher education, like uni, but it's not uni. If you know what I mean...

Anyways, being an insomniac when that starts will just NOT be a good thing. Hopefully it'll work itself out now that I stop working so much. I'm supposed to be all rested and shit when school starts, but instead I feel burned out! I have no idea how I am going to make it through this first semester. But, I'll make it somehow, I'm sure.

So, back to me being proud of myself...hopefully I'll be able to write something soon, and also update some of my other sites. LOL.
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