I have been creative again

Jul 30, 2003 15:09

Yes, I did it. I wrote the first chapter of Out of the Ashes. That is all thanks to my lovely muse Mette. Without her, I don't know when this chapter would have been written. LOL.

Anyhow, it'll be added to my site tomorrow or later tonight, but I am posting it here now.

Out of the Ashes - Chapter One
Slash, BSB, Thiery(Nick)/Avatar

They had been on the move all night long. Avatar said he didn't want to waste any time, that the Three wanted Thiery for a reason, and he needed to find out what that reason was. That they needed to get going, that they couldn't stay in New York.

Thiery didn't understand why they were moving so quickly, or what Avatar meant by the Three, of any of the other stuff that the vampire mumbled as they moved through the darker alleys of the city. All he knew was that he would follow Avatar anywhere. In a way he had to, for he knew nothing of what he was now, and needed the older vampire to guide him through it all. That was not the reason why he stayed though.

At first he had been surprised when Avatar hadn't taken him out to hunt right away. He always thought vampires needed blood right away, that they hunted humans in the night. When he had asked Avatar about it he had been told that vampires never fed during their first night. Normally they would become hungry during their second night, but it all depended on the vampire. As for what to eat, the smartest thing was to stay away from humans in the beginning, until the new vampire learned how to eat, and how to do it without leaving too much evidence behind.

Thiery had been shocked to hear that he would probably eat rats for his first meal, but Avatar assured him that it was only because they were on the move. At other times, pigs blood could be bought at a butchers for next to nothing, and some would even give it away. Killing humans was not something you did unless you knew that the person would not be missed, and also not something to be done in small communities. A vampire had to be able to get away with murder, and few newborns were smart enough to do that. The main thing for a vampire was to not attract attention. That could be fatal.

Around them the night was fading as Avatar lead them under ground. The sewers were dark, dank, and perfect for a vampire who needed to move during the day. Thiery knew that they would not be getting any sleep this night, yet strangely it didn't bother him. They had been moving all night, never once stopping to rest, yet he felt as rested now as he had been when he had woken up early that evening.

As they entered the sewers, Avatar stopped for a moment, looking around. There were several passages they could follow, and for a second Thiery was afraid that Avatar did not know which one to take. Then the vampire smiled, and started to walk down one of them. Thiery followed without a word, trusting the vampire to take them the right way.


They walked in silence for a while, until Thiery finally broke the it. "Who are the Three?" he asked as he stopped and looked at Avatar. He stopped as well, and turned around to look at Thiery. "Come, we must keep moving" he said.

"No!" Thisey answered, raising his voice. "I won't go anywhere until you tell me who they are and why we are running from them!"

Avatar said nothing for a moment, and then he nodded. "I will tell you anything you want to know, but we need to keep moving. So I will tell you as we walk. All right?"

Thiery smiled, and then moved up to give Avatar a quick kiss. "Sounds good to me love" he said as he moved past Avatar. Avatar shook his head before he turned and followed, walking fast until he caught up with Thiery.

"So, about the Three? Who the fuck are they?" Thiery asked as soon as Avatar caught up.

Avatar smiled, moving closer to Thiery and snaking his arm around his waist.

"The Three are warrior vampires. They are called the Warriors of the Three, and they belong to the Order of the Trinity, to the Vampire High Council. Which means that it is not wise to oppose them, as the High Council's word is law. They want something, they get it. What they say, goes."

He stopped talking for a second to see if Thiery had any new questions before he went on. He figured he should just give Thiery the whole story on the Council and the Three. There was no reason not to tell him after all. Thiery said nothing, and soon Avatar was talking again.

"As you know, there are five vampire Bloodlines. Two are Latin, and three are Greek. The Latin lines are said to be stronger, the vampire of those lines more powerful. No one knows why, it is just the way it is. If there ever was a vampire that knew, he is dead now.

At one point, thousands of years ago, the lines were mixed, in the way that anyone could at'hia, bite, anyone. No one cared much for the Bloodlines.

Then, one day, for a reason long forgotten, a war was started among the lines. The Latin fought the Greek, and the Greek won. They created a High Council, set to rule the vampire world. They created the laws we live by now. The High Council consists of three vampires, one from each Greek line. These three vampires are also the Heads of their lines. They control their own line, and also the entire vampire world."

He fell silent once more, knowing that Thiery would have questions now, questions that should be answered now and not later. He was right, and did not have to wait long for Thiery to open his mouth and speak.

"Why do they want me? I'm not of a Greek line or anything. So why would they be interested in me?"

Avatar turned his head to look at him, the smile on his face fading slightly.

"I don't know young one. That is one of the things I hope we'll find out soon though. When we arrive. I also need to talk to the head of your line. The Three knows I took you, and I believe they also know how I feel about you. So, we must get to the Head of your line as quickly as possible, and convince him to act as your at'hethan, as your creator. If he won't, then we will probably spend the rest of eternity in hiding."

"Why?" Thiery asked, stopping and turning towards Avatar.

"Like I said, the Law forbids me to make anyone who is not of my own line. The High Council believes that the lines should be pure, and also that the Head of the line should be the one to decide who will be made immortal, and who will not. If anyone breakes this law, then they will have to meet the sun."

Thiery didn't say a word. Avatar had broken that law, he had made him. An action that could cost him his life, that could cost him eternity.

"We must keep moving" Avatar said after a while. "The sooner we get to the Head of your line, the sooner we can get everything straightened out, and go on with our lives, or unlives if you will."

Thiery smiled, and nodded. "How much longer is it?" he asked as he started to walk again, leaning into Avatar, who still had his arm around his waist.

"About a week I recon. Haven't been there for years, but they only move about once every century, so they should still be where I left them."

Theiry smiled, but said nothing. No one said anything. One week. Plenty of time for him to get used to being a vampire, and plenty of time for Avatar to continue his story, to continue telling Thiery everything he would need to know in order to survive eternity.

Comments would make me a very happy person!!!
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