http://img279.imageshack.us/my.php?image=invitation2ie.png b) My dad is coming down from Friday-Tuesday. Alana, I won't be able to go see your band in Fitchburg on Sunday, I'm really sorry he just kindof sprung this on me.
edit; I didn't mean to offend anyone by not inviting you. But I've been through so many friends in the past two years of my life (you've probably been one of them) and those are just the people who've stuck. Oh and don't try and say it's me, because 90% of the people who I haven't hung out with as much as I used to stopped calling ME when I still called THEM. And despite what you guys think I care about you alot.
That was really general but I know for a fact that the many people I'm referring too will know it's about them.