Apr 14, 2007 01:19
Has anyone else felt particularly restless as of late? Namely those of the teaching variety? I was thinking of an exhibition match to get certain people to stop nagging me to do something constructive to showcase some of the more contemporary styles of inebriated martial arts. Nothing too formal, of course, but just a little something that most of our students haven't seen. While I have nothing against the more traditional styles of art, most everyone is familiar with karate, tae kwon do, and so forth. If some of the traditional martial artists feel slighted, I'd be demanded more than happy to accept a match, perhaps to show the dramatic differences between our styles.
On a seperate note, I'd like to arrange a meeting in the eighth dojo with my personal students, and give an open invitation to any students who feel the desire to train under my tutelage.
Please contact me via this post regarding potential exhibition matches and student meetings.
Now where did I leave that bottle...