This week has been so damn tiring. My grandmother from Cuba came to visit this past Monday and she's so lovely. I'm not used to having a grandmother and it is taking quite some time to adapt to her -- even if this is her second time coming to the States -- but I love her. She's adorable.
Because of her, we've been watching home videos and eating together, playing Parchis....It's been a great family experience already. Not to say that my family isn't tight-knitted and loving. It's just nice to see the family grow with her in it. But dear God, I am tired.
Since she's here, the house has to be tidy all the time or else she goes about cleaning -- and we don't want our 69-year-old grandmother who came to visit to clean for us. But fuck, it's every day and it is just exhausting. On top of that, I've been exercising -- 4 days in total lol like a loser but it's a start -- and on the last day, I decided to do lunges without stretching...that was a mistake. My legs are still sore so I've been in pain and unable to get back on track.
On top of that, I cannot, for the life of me, regain a normal sleeping pattern. Even if I try to go to sleep, I end up tossing and turning, getting up to pee, unable to fall asleep, etc. It's a hassle. So I'm tired all day. But it's just been this fucking week.
Tomorrow, or rather today, Babe and I will be going to adopt trees! I think it's so cute of him to suggest this as a date. He's such an adorable environmentalist. I think it's a really sweet and inventive plan for a date. I just wish I didn't have to wake up so early for this event.
I don't know. I've just been so tired lol. Hopefully, I get out of it soon. Maybe next week Monday. But yeah, that's pretty much my life right now.