Rest in Peace Little Bobby

Jun 09, 2009 03:42

My sweet little rat Bobby is dead.

He caught a horrible cold in the damp basement. I was going to move him upstairs last night but when I went to move him into the smaller cage he was curled up in his little hammock, dead. The other rats were trying to keep him warm.

I feel so horrible. If it weren't for the fact that I fucked up with school and had to move here he would be still be alive. Hell, if I had brought him upstairs a day sooner he might still be alive. I've never been responsible for the death of an animal before and I feel like the most useless person on the planet. It's really eating me up inside.

And Bobby was so young, he wasn't even fully grown yet.

And he was so happy when I first moved him into the big cage with the other boys. He bounced around all over the hammocks and crawled over the walls and hung from the ceiling and made friends with everyone...

I barely cried when I found him. I think I was too shocked. But it's hitting me now and I can't stop blubbering. I can barely see the keyboard as I'm typing this.

And the worst part of all of this is that I don't even have a picture of him. Poor sweet little Bobby with his beautiful dark fur and his bright eyes. I really wish I could have done better for him. He deserved better.

Rest in Peace Little Bobby.

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