Bla Fuck!

Apr 07, 2003 06:48

A lot of things has changed in my life durring the past two years. People that I thought I knew changed before my eyes. Freinds dissapered and so did I. I was a whore who never really cared wether I hurt someone or not. I think ive changed, but no matter. Every one lost there trust in me. How to get it back no clue. Few still care and few still love. It hurts me to know that I fucked up the way i did. Its rubbed in every day. I know what i did and I know who I hurt. gone too far and not able to help i still try to care and love the ones who count. The pain and anger I still have, The urge to kill and the need to leave, still comes to me daily. But knowing who my freinds are is whats kepping this body here. knowing that they care is whats keeping the anger down and the pain well that could never leave.
I need a job.I need a smoke.I need a beer.I need to change my life.
im just pissed off today, and yet at the same time today has been such a great day.
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