May 19, 2004 23:50
i didnt do shit today. i just laid on the couch all day after work. me and jay went to go and get some food but thats about it. i got a cake from my work. i found out that i can get into this new apartment even with my credit but i either need a co-signer or 1080.00 to move in. but the lady was really cool and hooked me up. she said that i can do a good faith payment so i dont have to have it all up front. all i would need then is the security deposit. the rent would be 540 a month and i only have to pay electric. so i did my math and if i get this new position at work i'll have around 500. extra at the end of each month. so i'll be able to pay off all my depts finally. i really hope i can get this place. if i dont im just going to put my shit into storage and stay were ever untill i have enough saved up to get a place.
betsy is coming down tomorrow and i get to install her sound system and finally check it out. the box is so fucking sweet considering ive never done one without carpet. i just hope that she really does like it and not just saying she does. im having a hard time trusting people right about now so you know how that goes.
ok well i'll see ya.......................................