Where to start? How about I just sorta throw things out in no particular order?
Well, back around the first of July I talked to an Air Force recruiter, and he says I have to lose weight before I'm eligible to enlist. By the way, this guy was possibly the least enthusiastic recruiter you're ever likely to meet. Wow. I mean, I was expecting the typical spiel you hear about. "We can give you money for college! And bonuses! And you get to travel around and do fun things! Whee!"
Sure, a lot of it may be total crap, but I was looking forward to hearing it anyway. At the very least I expected him to ask me some questions other than basic health and school stuff. Hah. I guess the guy figures there's no way in hell I'll be eligible to join this lifetime, so why bother? Well, fuck it, I intend to prove him wrong. I'm strange that way.
At any rate I've been meaning to get in shape, anyway. So I joined a
I've been going just about every day since. It's amazing how much better I feel in general since I started working out. I've been slowly going off prozac and so far I've had no problems at all. Plus, I'm already starting looking better, starting to put on some obvious muscle. Booyeah. Problem is, I haven't actually lost any weight. Well, ok, 2 pounds. 2 down, 80 to go. Whee.
I'm doing everything I was told to do - a bunch of interval cardio on different machines, weight training (upper/lower on alternate days) to burn even more calories, whey-protein + fiber/vitamin/amino/misc trendy health stuff smoothie powder, cutting down on the chow in general... I'm even eating the infamous Jared lunch (low fat 6" Subway sammich, no cheese or mayo).
So shit. I feel good, mostly, and I guess I'm getting healthy, but I'm still not planning on walking around on any ice that's not at least half a foot thick. I guess I just need to be patient.
Still, if I haven't dropped any tonnage within a few more months I'll be effin' pissed!
What else? Well, I needed something to listen to while doing my rat-on-a-wheel routine, so I fired up eBay and ordered
this 'lil honey. Little being the operative word. This thing makes the iPod mini look bullky. I looked around and this one appeared to be the best for the money, and so far it does indeed seem to kick ass. I had some problems synching it at first but it turned out to be a problem with my crappy laptop - it doesn't provide enough power to its USB ports. Once I plugged the player into a powered USB hub it worked great.
One nice thing, it shows up as a normal hard drive on your OS when it's plugged in, so you can dump any files you want onto it and carry them around. Sweeet.
One more thing - I'm going to take 2 or 3 online classes. I don't have all the info for them at the moment, but they all involve web development, database stuff, image manipulation, etc. Nothing too tough, but quite useful (I hope). I'll probably have more to say about that stufff at a later date...
That's all for now. Wow, this may well be my dryest post EVAR. I guess that's something...