Oct 07, 2008 02:24
I took a nap earlier as I've been doing increasingly more and more lately. In this nap I had a dream, my dad and I went to a movie...I think..we passed the baseball field and reservoir and maybe something happened with parking? Then we're at home my dad two sisters and I and my sister brings up this poem she read in her Anthropology class which is weird because we both should be in school, and my dad recognizes the poem from some war movie, and she starts to recite it and my dad joins in at the parts he knows, maybe Im reading along, and I remember being moved by it, it was a deep intense poem about life. And then I wake up, unable to remember this poem which I dont believe is real rather something from the unconscious. I wish I could. I'm pseudo-writing again although not poetry though perhaps I should look into it. Radio show was fun with Liz tonight. Mondays 10-11 Itunes Radio College Radio Goucher or goucher-radio.net click listen live. In other news, I'm becoming less asexual and more just lonely and depressed I think...I don't know. anything. at all. Im contemplating whether I still want to be an English Major or even a Goucher student anymore. Just need to work myself out.
"If you will it, dude, it is no dream."