Aug 18, 2009 20:09

so i usually end up using this to update the sad or depressing parts of my life but on the rare occation where my life is fucking awesome I tend to just ride it out and don't bother to write it down. BUT in this particuar case I think my life has been awesome enough for a long enough time that I can actually take some time out and write about it!

I love music. so fucking much I mean I can't believe until i was like 13 music wasn't a part of my life. it's sad its like the whole first half of my life was a lie. Cause my true love in life is music and I had to live in the shadows of wrestling and skateboarding (which is still enjoyable just not a love i have)

I am in a new band called Circle The Whale we formed sometime back in march or april after a tough break up of my former band Moose Moose. We sat in my basement wrote and recorded 6 songs and are now currently playing shows and touring/promoting this self relased EP titled "Hey Man, What's Up?" we are shaping and bettering the songs as we practice them and slowly working on new material as well I've never felt so productive and accomplished this band is exactly what I have always wanted and more I see more possibilties with this project then anything I've ever done before...just sayin

Me and Katie have really connected we started playing together months ago but only recently started getting a bit more serious so now we are currently recording our own 6 song EP which is still in the process of being titled. the name of our little project is called A Tuff Rose (this name means so many differnt things and I am pretty sure it's going to stick) the music is basicaly like an alt folk sound with the simpliciy shining through and harmonies being a big part of the songs. We hope to have the EP done by say mid september and then have a release show for it probz in the beggining of October but all of this is just general goal dates. Anyway that also has a lot of potential she is really taleneted and I'm glad to be by her side helping her write and perform her songs (and she helps me on some of mine...thats how this works guys COME ON!) so a small tour of coffee houses and lounges will be in order after all that is said and done, which is also very exciting :)

to say the least on top of working full time at the hospital I've had my hands full but in the best way possible. I don't feel stressed I feel enlightend I feel like I am learning so much about my self and who I really am though these experiences that I am having with all this music that I'm creating and the way I(we) are going about promoting it and showing people who we are thought this beautiful medium. the art of song and even more intresingly the art of advertising is a constant learning process that has kept me on my toes from the begining. But like any healthy young adult I love to learn new things (just as long as it's relevant to my intrests ha) and everything in the past few months has helped shape me into a better person and hopefully others will be payed back for the harsh times I may have put them through.

I'm like 82% happy and in reality I doubt there will be a time in mine or anyone's life where we will be 100% happy, lets be honest we will always find something to complain about... but yeah I still hate my job and yeah i still hate this island and although i still feel stuck I feel like I'm just loading up the proper supplies for when the rescue vehicle comes to save me I am much more comfortable with the idea that this is really OK for now and that paying off debt and playing music and having all my friends around me and living in a home with a loving family really is nothing to complain about its life and its a good one at that. I'm currently trying to be the best person I can be and I hope that I help others the way I have felt loved and helped my whole life. I thank people a lot but words are just words and soon I can build up the courage and ability to perform the rightful acts to show these people that I truely thank them for all they have done.

I love dreaming and I have many dreams and goals and ambitions in life I think about everything all at once every moment that I'm alive. I want so much from life and I know that time is percious and at this point I feel as thou I'm doing all the right things to make some of these dreams come true. I'm the master of getting ahead of myself and and even better master of NOT going all the way with something. I have never mastered ANYTHING I get to a point where I am satisfied and then move on and in some ways thats ok but for my to achive one or all of my dreams I have to step up the the plate and go above and beyond (and other cliche here) but it's true to make these dreams a reality I have to put in the time and effort and I feel like I'm doing that for the first time. I mean I did college and all that and that was obvs the right steps in the direction of that dream but I didn't put everything I had into that where as with the things as they are now that is everything to me and knowing that the hours spent at work where I can't really do all that much to work on music and stuff (well I try and fit things in when I can) I know it's to pay off my debt and to buy the things that will help me keep all this going and to save up to get the heck on with my life (hopefuly with these very people making it worth while whom also want out of here) I guess I am just living life to the fullest as they say (who?...I dunno) in a great mind set and as usual I intend on staying here but things have a tendency to change those plans...

well this was a long and pointless rant but it made me happy to write and it will make me even happier to read later on (when the depression hits me once again...)

oh also


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