...because I feel like people have probably (justly) forgotten me, since I was really active once and then TOTALLY disappeared (eek, I'm sorry for that. But I SWEAR, I'm back because I want to play in this sandpit again <3). BUT HAI BRITISH CHILD HERE TO SEE HER PARENTS (inside joke).
1) What is your name?: Beth! Or, whatever you want to call me, really, I'll answer to pretty much anything. "Bethie" is taken though. I used to be
ignatius_sparke, by the way. And
2) Country (Or state)?: the UK -- England, to be vaguely precise.
3) What first got you into AC/DC?: Honestly? When I read AC/DC: MAXIMUM ROCK & ROLL in Year Eleven.
4) If you remember, what was the first song you'd heard by them?: Highway to Hell. I think.
5) What song do you believe is the most overrated/over-played? Underrated/under-played?: Overrated or overplayed how can you overrate an AC/DC song, seriously would probably be For Those About To Rock; underrated or underplayed would have to be their bluesy ones like Ride On, Little Lover, etc. I love me some rock'n'roll blues. u____u
6) Is there a song you dislike?: Hail Caesar? I mean... yeah. I like the video though. xD
7) What is your favorite album? Least? What was the first album by AC/DC that you ever owned?: Favourite album would have to be the AC/DC Live collector's set my dad has, or Backtracks (what can I say, I love boxsets); least favourite is a toss-up between Fly on the Wall and For Those About To Rock (sacrilege I know, but I've just never been that impressed by the latter).
8) Who is your favorite member? Who is your least?: My favourite member would have to be George WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE DOESN'T COUNT Fine. Either of the Youngs, they're both kind of adorable with how titchy they are. x3 I don't have a least favourite member, because thankfully Axl Rose has so far stayed out of AC/DC.
10) Have you been to an AC/DC concert? If so, where and how was it?: Never been to an AC/DC concert. Went to Bon Jovi live last year which was pretty good, though. >____>
11) Of the AC/DC bandom, which pairing is your favorite?: I'm trying to wean myself off the incest but it's a guilty pleasure: Ang/Mal. (I'm a hopeless case, sob.)
12) After your favorite pairing, list your next three (or as many as you can generate, maximum of three. If you have none at all, skip): Phil/Malcolm, Bon/Brian (not happening, I know, and I've never seen it written, but that would HAVE to be fun!), and Angus/Mark Evans.
13) Of your pairings, are there any special weaknesses or kinks they have in your imagination?: Well, apparently Brian's into necrophilia... oh god no don't go there Beth
14) Do you enjoy this community?: Yeah!
15) Is there anything that this community can do to become better/more active/please you?: More active would be great (-pokes Tori & Catherine-) but I know you old hands are all probably really busy with college and stuff, so... :'(